Movie (import)
Love Letters Of A Portugese Nun
Released as part of Full Moon's ongoing "Jess Franco Collection", this is the uncut and uncensored version of "Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun" struck from legendary exploitation film producer Erwin C. Dietrich's brand new master. 16-year-old Maria is forced into Serra D'Aires convent, secretly run by Satanists. Her confessor is in collusion with the Mother Superior. Maria is tortured, forced into sex with men, women, and the horned Devil, and told that it's all a bad dream. She writes a letter to God, and a Knight rescues her, only to fall into the hands of the Inquisition, put on the rack, and condemned to death like Joan of Arc. Susan Hemingway, William Berger, Herbert Fux and Ana Zanatti star in a movie so confronting that censorship bans prevented its release for two years.