Movie (import)
Flesh On My Flesh
High concept meets low budget in this psychotropic zombie thriller set at the tail end of humanity's Last Great War of Existence. A mission sent to recover survivors goes south when they discover that the throngs of undead aren't wandering mindless things, but crafty pack hunters who have their own agenda. They find a hidden group of survivors, but the news is even worse than they imagined. With only hours to escape before a final obliterating carpet strike, they make a break for it before all is lost. This signed and numbered LIMITED COLLECTORS EDITION contains a 40-minute "making of" featurette, Official Zombie Hunter ID card, Bonus card for "Hacked Off" card game, 4 bonus short movies: "Animo Korvoj", "Come to Us", "Blood", and "Con of the Dead", Commentary track, Music-only track, Theaterical teasers and trailers