Mountain Witch
Extinct Cults
The new Mountain Witch record ,Extinct Cults" will be the last before a longer break, so the both main dudes Rene & Rene decide to do it properly so why not take the main Mountain Witch doom flavour and add some new ingredients, like Organs and some nice background vocals? - then record it everything the old school way and guess what: you will get a magnificent written, great sounding, genre bending 70s rock record. They jumped from 1970 to lets say 1976, took the main Black Sabbath worship and added a bit more melody here and there... Not only KADAVAR or HEAT fans will be satisfied, even more progresive st uff like early SCORPIONS or CREAM can be spotted - lets say they added more 70s hardrock vibe. This all sums up to an excellent bundle of six new songs! FFO: Mountain Witch, Black Sabbath, Kadavar, Heat, Demon Head, Cream, Horisont.