Mondo Sangue
With DIAMANTIK, MONDO SANGUE take the audience into the dazzling, stylish world of the Swinging Sixties. Of course not without a twist - the psychedelic pop art adventure offers some border crossings: Eurospy, adventure and martial arts cinema meet beat, bossa nova and even disco. The result is a timeless genre cocktail, shaken together and served as a brightly colored concept album. Using edgy electric guitars, groovy drum beats, glamorous orchestral movements and epic vocal lines, DIAMANTIK tells the story of the daring escapades of a diamond thief driven by love and revenge. Murderous ninjas, cunning detectives, bloodthirsty sharks and seductive sirens are a must in this musical chase around the world. As always, various filmic and musical references to Italian genre cinema are openly played out, so that cinematic crossovers will notice a stylish wink in the direction of Mario Bava or Ennio Morricone. The record also has a double bottom through the homage to the cult Italian "Fumetti neri" comics, which deal with the darker themes of pop culture in an extremely liberal way. The result is an extremely danceable, beat-driven mix of imaginary cult soundtrack and retro pop. MONDO SANGUE have once again gathered an illustrious circle of like-minded people around them for their sixth album DIAMANTIK: In addition to former collaborators Bela B and Rocko Schamoni, Stefanie Schrank, Sedlmeir and the Parisian duo Eroina are also on board for the first time.