Moebius, Dieter
On the second album of his late solo work, the krautrock legend Dieter Moebius (+ 2015) searches for flaws and uses them as a creative impulse. As usual, he blithely ignores any mainstream expectations. On Nurton Moebius demonstrates his true greatness: From a seemingly arbitrary initial loop, he almost imperceptibly creates a hypnotic experimental atmosphere: linear, without escalation, stoic, with clarity and to a hypnotic effect. In doing so, Moebius uses bolder and more experimental lead sounds than on his previous solo album Blotch, from seven years prior. The sonic impression is more diverse and feels reconciled with the sounds of digital synthesis. Only the last track of the album, fittingly titled Das Letzte, provides a preview of the musical development that would characterize Moebius solo releases to follow.