Melchior, Dan -und Das Menace-
"The first time I heard Dan Melchior I felt betrayed that no one had turned my ear to his strange sounds before then. The LP was called Hello, Im Dan Melchior and it starts with the line I once did mushrooms with Bjork....Goddamn, he had me at mushrooms. "Since then, Ive been blessed with unearthing several of his masterpieces from LP bins all around the world. Dan has made mighty and copious marks upon the world of wax. Every record is a wade through the primordial poem-brain that is Dan Melchiors creative force. "What we have here is a fabulous collection of classic Melchior und das Menace. We asked, he let us dig through the archive, and lo and behold: Hunger, a grip of unreleased Melchior gold. It will take less than ten seconds for the high to kick in after the rush of greasy guitars consume you at the get-go of A Wizard Doesnt Need a Computer. And yes, hes taking the piss. "Ive also been lucky enough to do some touring with him and his lovely wife and co-conspirator Letha. They may be the only white cats I know who dont look weird in dashikis. I wish I was kidding.quite comely. Letha has been duking it out with a heavy illness, and although strong as ever, the bills are piling up and they could always use a hand. A portion of the proceeds from the sales of this record will go to aid them in this fight. Heres a link to the website, should you feel the urge to donate otherwise: http://melchiorfund.blogspot.com/ "So please dig in with open ears and hearts. Let Dan melt your brains as he has ours at Castle Face." -John Dwyer.