Mcgrath, Bob K Smithrim
Songs & Games For Toddlers
n the 70s, shortly after I became the music teacher on Sesame Street, I decided that I'd like to record a few songs for children. At the time, I was performing live family concerts with symphony orchestras in North America. A number of orchestral musicians in Canada told me about a record producer in Toronto by the name of Bill Usher who had produced several quality recordings for young children. I called Bill and he said that he and Katharine Smithrim were in the process of recording 2 LPs for babies and toddlers. They asked if I would like to be a part of the project. Having taught music classes for parents with babies and toddlers in Toronto, Katharine took the lead in choosing the material. We hit it off right from the start and had great fun with the project. Together, we recorded The Baby Record and Songs & Games for Toddlers. Both recordings have sold many thousands of copies over the years.