Mcclinton, Clay
Bitin' At The Bit
Clay McClinton's musical roots are firmly planted in the traditions of his Texas birthplace, where strains of country, blues, rock 'n' roll and Tex-Mex blend efortlessly into a sound he likes to call "Texas Gumbo". It's clear the formative years spent on his father Delbert's tour bus left their mark, but the many miles McClinton has put on his own tires have shaped his distinctly individual voice and style. His fourth and most ambitious recording, Bitin'at the Bit, marks the first time working with gary Nicholson. Co-writing with Nicholson, Delbert, legend Bruce Channel, Nashville hitmaker and top studio drummer Tom hambridge and aAustin based performer George Ensle. McClinton has asemmbled a colelction of songs that showcase his range as an artist and writer.