Malos Modales
Cronicas Terrestres
The debut EP from Malos Modales. Hailing from Monterrey, Mexico, 4 amazing Garage/ Pop songs. If you are into The Marked Men, YOU NEED to check these out. Malos Modales are a punk band of people who technically arent old but could make some people question this very fact. Formed in Monterrey, Mexico, the band features some familiar faces in its lineup, namely Kiko Blake from Division Minuscula (one of the most successful and emotionally charged bands from the past decade), and Johnny Vzz and Hugo "Scrap" Zapata from electroparty mainstays Shes A Tease (Chacho Zapata rounds up the band). They converged and recorded some demos, then decided to take the proper steps to formalize the band. They have recorded a self-titled EP at their rehearsal space with the help of a 4-track tape recorder.