Macduff, Colin
The Past And The Sky
The Past and the Sky is the debut album by Colin Macduff, a singer songwriter who has recently emerged through the Bird on a Wire mentorship scheme fostered by Boo Hewerdine and Findlay Napier. A former nurse, Colin infuses his story-driven songs with a distinctive blend of humanity and humour. The carefully crafted lyrics have a poetic quality, enhanced by a range of fluid acoustic guitar based musical settings. Featuring contributions from leading Scottish folk musicians Angus Lyon (accordion) and Jenna Reid (fiddle), The Past and the Sky takes the listener on a journey through the ups, downs and roundabouts of life. This spans the joy of young love (Mirrors, walls and windows), perinatal loss (A garden with a swing), the wonder of a new person (You), the daft/fantastical (The graveyard of the greats), dying (Leaving) and reflection (The past and the sky).