Subconscious Metamorphosis
Born in 2002 as a traditional black metal act, the Italian band Lorn has forged a new and personal metal language, better suited to the ambitious concept behind its long-awaited sophomore album, "Subconscious Metamorphosis". Conceived in austere solitude on the Dolomites mountains, immersed in a portentous amalgam of trance-inducing black metal and menacing cosmic ambient, "Subconscious Metamorphosis" is a long mental voyage through cold dark tunnels, a continuous and violent hammering on the joints of reality, to unhinge them and open new vistas on interior landscapes. In its brave rejection of the most obvious metal schemes and norms, Lorn's music propitiates the definitive conjunction between mind and spirit, microcosm and macrocosm, to win the fear of unknown and be triumphantly reborn in the blinding black light of a new awareness. For fans of late Blut Aus Nord