God's On Our Side; Welcome To The Jungle
Debut album by the young Northern German band. Ten songs in 28 minutes. If you ever need proof that the emo/hardcore scene in Germany is still alive and well, you just have to listen to LIRR. Hailing from the Northern town of Flensburg, this young quartet capture the zeitgeist of 90s emo perfectly. "Gods On Our Side: Welcome To The Jungle" starts with 1:11 minutes of pure chaos, angry drumming and guitar feedback that blows the listener away. The sound only shifts somewhat drastically with tracks 4-6, when ambient sounds and even danceable beats are a main part of the sound. The title with the biggest Pop appeal, "MTV", builds upon a simply beat, accompanied by a Lo-Fi guitar known from bands such as Diiv or Beach Fossils, and then even offers some slide guitar.