Link, The
The Link was born near the end of 2007, emerging from a few Brussels based musicians willing to create, innovate and complete the Belgian underground scene. But that doesnt really matter. The Link matured, evolved and is working hard every single day to make itself strong and mature, brick after brick. Its architects are Nico, John, Greg and Mike surrounded by a few friends, pushing them ahead. But that doesnt really matter. The Link is a self-produced band, unsigned and wishing to play live. Again, again and again, despite the weather, the conditions, the mood, the obstacles, the critics and the doubts. But that doesnt really matter actually. The point is that The Link wants to see your head banging, eyes closing up, sweat and smile when listening to their sound, live or from their recordings. The Link wants to share pure energy with you all and send shivers down your spines. THAT does matter.