Limpe Fuchs
When asked about the title of her new record, "Amor", Limpe bluntly responded, "because its everything". Being a Beatles fan from the very beginning, shes well aware that "all you need is love", but theres more to her sentiment than a corny pun. On the one hand, shes more than half a century into her musical career, and describes the relationship towards her instruments in terms of an ongoing and deepening love affair. "Be it my piano, my viola or my percussion instruments, theyre all far more than just wooden caskets, theyre living entities, they need to be tended and cared for, theyre resonating with me and when engaging with them while playing I respond to their momentary being - and they alter my body and soul all the same." So, its about time for a love letter to her percussion instruments and the act of drumming and listening to her drums, which can be heard as "Trommeln" on the second to last track on "Amor". We also get to learn about "Verliebte Autos im Wald" - a poem by Augusta Laar, Limpe recites during the closing track to "Amor". What may come across as a goofy nursery rhyme at first is indeed testament to Limpes longstanding animistic beliefs, her imagination towards everything around her.