Cites Analogues
Cites Analogues" was the first album released by Lightwave's core duo Christoph Harbonnier and Christian Wittman. Recorded between April and May 1988, edited and produced in July 1988, "Cites Analogues" was then distributed through the alternative scene as a cassette. After the experiments and improvisations of their first tape, "Modular Experiments", recorded with Serge Leroy, Lightwave opted for a concept album, comprising of a series of discrete compositions and atmospheres assembled into two continuous tracks. The album was both recorded and mixed live, using a Revox B77 and an Allen & Heath 12/2 mixer. As such the different passages of this album captured the experience of Lightwave's performances, in which Harbonnier and Wittman played off each other with sympathetic improvisations.