Laviok, Loulou
Tulaviok Is Alive
Have you dreamed of listening to all of TULAVIOK's hits in concert?? Well its done, and what a show! Recorded during a gig shared with LES SHERIFF in 2023, this album by LOULOU LAVIOK entitled "TULAVIOK IS ALIVE" contains 13 cult TULAVIOK songs from "Skin ou Keupon", "Faits comme des rats" or "Gros dgueulasse" to " Sac à Gnôle", "Les Anarchistes", "Les Filles de Camaret".... The recording demonstrates a very rare sound quality for a Live album and immerses us in the pure energy of the band. We almost never release live albums at Dirty Punk Records but this time we didn't hesitate because it feels like we're in front of the band with high quality sound! comes with 3 bonus tracks!