Lasowksi, Aliocha Wald
Edourd Glissant Le Tout-monde, Une Dynamique De La
"Presses Universitaires de France and Frmeaux & Associs are offering this biography of douard Glissant, analysed and explained by Aliocha Wald Lasowski, winner of the 2008 douard Glissant Scholarship and a university professor in Lille. An essayist and journalist, he works at the crossroads of literature, philosophy and aesthetics. A specialist in the work of douard Glissant, he also teaches postcolonial thought at Sciences-Po. From antillanit to Relation, from crolisation to Tout-monde, Glissant offers a reflection on the contact between cultures. He contrasts identity-root, closed in on itself, with identity-relation, open to exchange. Glissant defends a dynamic of diversity, against the ideology of the One and the unique: it is the opposition between a poetics of the humanities and the living, against the dominant truth. Connected to the different realities of the world, his thinking is attuned to the multiple sensations that surround us, and invites us to perceive the minute beauties of the planet differently. He tackles subjects such as identity, ecology, racism, globalisation and many other topical issues that preoccupy us today. Audiobook, in French.