La Chatta
Crash Ocean
The three-headed musical creature La Chatte was born in 2003 in Paris, formed by Stphane Argillet aka Stereovoid, visual and sound artist, Vava Dudu, a pluridisciplinary artist and fashion designer, and Nicolas Jorio, a polymorphous musician. After releasing a first auto-produced "pink" album in 2004, they focused on live performance crossing roads all over Europe. They released two album with Tsunami Addiction, "Bastet" (2011) and "Crash Ocean" (2013). The sound of La Chatte was shaped on stage through numerous improvised live sessions, incidental mix of techniques and accidental connivances. Most of their songs, even when temporarily fixed on record still evolves, change of form, forget their intention or die as natural living creatures. Aquatic guitar inspirations, extreme expressionist singing and crystalline electronics geometries lead La Chatte along winding, deliquescent and wild music paths.