Krozier, Geoff -& The Generator-
Finders Keepers really hit the crackpot,erm I mean jackpot this time. this is most excellent and a must have gem. Imagine a coven of Jodorowsky, Daevid Allen, Mr. Crowley, Rameses and Arthur Brownthen combine them into a one-man mutant magician and add the finest Australian synth duo since Cybotron. BEHOLD Geoff Krozier & The Generator. This faithful reproduction of one of Australias rarest synthy post-prog vinyl artefacts bequeths the only recorded fruits of the precious magick months before Geoff Kroziers untimely death in 1981. Combining shamanic spoken word with nodding kosmische instrumentation this album is fuelled by ARP/Roland/ETI (Aussie synth) technology and leaves fans of synthetic soundtracks, electronix experimentalism and stubborn synth pop salivating for more (and more there is).