Spells And Daubs
In a year of the moon, Kreidler have produced the album SPELLS AND DAUBS. In a year of the moon - and in a year with 13 moons. Such years are known for not being the most comfortable. In September 2020 the band met for exploratory sessions and initial recordings in Duesseldorf, in the familiar settings of the Kabawil Theater. That already has a certain tradition. The impetus this time was a solitary gig in the conspicuously spacious surroundings of the (former) Philipshalle. In a year that threw everyone back on themselves. Over the winter Kreidler worked remotely, sifting through the material, arranging the pieces, adding textures and contours. They met again in the spring of 2021 for further recordings at the Uhrwerk Orange studio in Hilden, near Duesseldorf. That, too, has a certain tradition. From fifteen pieces they filtered out ten, and thus held an album in their hands. Then - and this is new - they took it to London, to Peter Walsh, so that he could mix the tracks.