Kernochan, Lesley
A Calm Sun
I had two distinct moments as a child when I suddenly noticed the pure bliss I was in because of music. (Thank you Ella Fitzgerald and Paul Simon.) This sparked the passion in me to pass this joy on. Then after a particularly potent cup of coffee one day in 2004 I daydreamed that if I had two weeks to live I would lock myself in my bedroom and create an album with that time. Much longer than two weeks later came the birth of my first album Undulating, a collection of a cappella songs that explore the jellyfish-like mind. It was performed live by a group of fabulously talented friends in Portland, Oregon, and we called ourselves The Jellyfish Chorus. A few years later came The Pickle Jar, a full band experience of exploring different forms of magic involved in turning life's pickles into beautiful sunsets. This album has traveled around the world (including on airplane radio stations) and won CDBaby Editor's Pick of the Week upon it's release. Then came the surprise twist of creating a children's album A Day in the Life of a Boogaleeboo. It was a wonderful assignment from the gods to return to the simple and silly, and received a Parent's Choice Gold Award. In 2016 I released Dragon in the City, which is a collection of songs from over the years that I was particularly fond of. It is a wild mix of the bawdy goofball that I am, and the wounded healer journey.