Kelly, Jeff & Susanne
By Reckless Moonlight
Green Pajamas leader Jeff Kelly and his (then) new bride Susanne released the out-of-print Coffee in Nepal in 1987, a simple home recording done by the two of them and released on cassette. It was modest by design. It was intimate, mostly acoustic, and personal. In 2013, after releasing four albums in one year, Jeff decided it was time for a different project, a something fresh. Time to make "Coffee II". By Reckless Moonlight starts out with the understated A Girls Game and winds its way through songs of the neighborhood and the Brazilian sex trade to finish with the plaintive longing of Please Come Home. In between, you have a series of wandering tales that, while done in a more sophisticated fashion as one might expect twenty-five years later, ring true to their first collaboration and illustrate the essential nature of the Kellys shared artistic life. Beautiful!