J.c. Satan
Centaur Desire
As we know, first times are always the most powerful: the shattering rush of revelation can only be experienced once. After that it's all an inevitable, exhausting quest for repetition, a feverish search for the original shock, and pointless reiteration and accumulation poisoned by consciousness, analysis and age: and such a sensation keeps fading as we experience it. 2018's garage band #1001 will look and sound the same as the preceding one, and leave you wondering -half-sorry, half-dismayed- how on earth listening to the Sonics and the Standells could electrify you back in the days. Likewise, you can count on the fingers of one hand the bands you've loved up until their 5th album like J.C. Satàn - almost ten years after falling in love. We all already know dudes who have "seen them too much", heard them too much and stopped expecting anything from them anymore. Except that those folks are in for a big-time surprise, as the Satàn crew did not deliver a 5th album just for the hell of it, just to justify their next tour: they got together to seek the rare fuel, the miraculous current able to galvanize our sleeping senses, the electroshock forcing us to revive the urgent impression of being alive. 'Centaur Desire' has something of a new first-time record.