Omas Deep Thoughts
HGich.T - that is Goa, performance, music, art, Dadaism and trash. The Hamburg techno-performance collective has been touring continuously since its founding in 1995. Hundreds of performances in front of 100,000 amazed and a few disillusioned spectators. Whether in Hamburg, Berlin or Vienna, their shows are legendary! Since their breakthrough in 2008 with the uber-tracks "Hauptschuhle" and "Tutenchamun", HGich.T have been one of the most popular and unbreakable live acts in this country. Meanwhile, the collective around producer DJ Hundefriedhof, singer Vhagvan Svami, guitar god Dr. Geilser, moped fan Tutenchamun, Nora Hardstyle, Balmi, Sokofun, Dietrich "Opa 16" Kuhlbrodt and cat Cozy easily comprises 30 artists. On their YouTube channel (over 62k subscribers), the Hamburg-based artists publish new music videos and short films that are clicked a million times a month. Now the unkillable monster of electronic dance music slams "Grandma's Deep Thoughts" in front of the public - and with it the heart rate of the listeners is once again at its peak. Awesome techno beats meet whipping synth basses and folk pop and inevitably culminate in uninhibited expressive dances in the "children's room" world.