Helalyn Flowers
Sonic Foundation
We witness their unique ability to marry their diverse range of influences across their compositions while keeping a sharp sound cohesion along the line while making at the same time allusions to RAMMSTEINs heaviness, GARY NUMANs melody, DAVID BOWIEs depth, KMFDMs rage, THE CUREs darkness or yet MADONNAs magnetism. From the martial rhythmic Industrial Metal of "Karmageddon" or "New Days Of Babylon" to the EBM-injected Electro Rock of "Synthetic Paranoia". From the surprising blend of PSYCHIC TV's Acid Techno-Era meets THE PRODIGY and Black Metal-infused KILLING JOKE tones of "Shadow Complex" to the sci-fi ambient touch of the post-urban hit "Frozen Star". From the freezing ritual chant of "Eerie" to the goth rock anthem "For All Bad Things" or yet the ultimate industrial ballad "I Saved An Angel" and its ghostly guitars, melodic piano notes and stunning vocal lines. "Sonic Foundation" is an addictive album uniting catchy Electro and alluring Industrial Metal in absolute symbiosis thanks to HELALYN FLOWERS unique sound alchemy bringing power, melody, darkness and sexiness in one cohesive sound shell. "Sonic Foundation" is an album that uncoils through dangerous and surrealistic figurative worlds, invoking post-primitive scenarios à-la William Burroughs and David Lynch.