Heathen Peace
Civilisation Ends Here
Raging heathen black/death/punk 'n' roll in a blazing trinitious alliance with members of Razorblade, Live By The Sword and God Dethroned. Scorching soundscapes spawned with a furious aggressive drive and inhuman brutality. Relentless, epic and majestic black metal riffing combined with crushing double bass thunder, occasional hyperblasts and barbaric growls. Forged in immortal rock 'n' roll structures and unwavering pounding punk power. Lyrical inspiration was fueled by the Saxon resistance against Roman and Frankish invaders and the downfall and loss of old cultures, tribes, rituals and beliefs. More personal lyrics about betrayal and inner strength are presented as well, as is a song slightly based on The Wild Hunt poem of Johannes Carsten Hauch Music for people not taking any shit, ultra-violence and maximum power. Proud supporters of the Marcomannic, Alemannic, Suebian and Lugian tribes.