Gimbayashi, Masae
MASAE GIMBAYASHI - "Odyssey" uest Hirokazu Ishida An emotional Fujiyama_ Masaé Gimbayashi is a volcano of poetry and strolling between Chick Corea and Claude Debussy. A whole world that invites itself under the fingers of this pianist from the Japanese shores to the French coasts. A guest Hirokazu Ishida, came to illuminate original compositions and new interpretations. Masaé Gimbayashi -Bullhead is a Japanese pianist who settled in France more than twenty years ago. Daughter of the great haiku poet His influence is carried by the poetry and the music that go together. Masaé Gimbayashi with his latest album, is the outbreak of a Western promise by a syncretism bringing new concept rich with a consecration, the artist's career. The path taken by Masae is made of discretion, of mature choice, in an astonishing musical approach by its method, giving the desire to immerse itself in the life of the composers, in order to understand the senses of the works ....