Giant Eagles
Giant Egos
NOW ON YELLOW VINYL !! My god! Talk about your long term projects. Nine years in the making, Shield Recoings is proud to release the long awaited debut album of Giant Eagles; Giant Eagles - Giant Egos. A record with songwriting obviously honouring the Misfits, Ramones and Duran Duran, but with a sound more relating to this day and age. In other words, 80-ties Ramones with a fresh, tight punkrocksound... Oh, and dont forget the synths of course. Giant Eagles is a punkrock collective from Rotterdam, Netherlands. Marien Nicotine (ex-Apers, The Windowsill) together with Simon Speechless (Ragin' Hormones, Lulabelles, ex-Accelerators) started working on songs as early as 2005. Together with Ivo Backbreaker (Apers, The Windowsill) and Ox Accelerator (Accelerators, Jizz Kids) they finally recorded a full length in 2013. Expect 12 epic punkrock songs with heavy synths and lyrics about war, wolfs, wasting time and electric chairs.