Gentle Scars, The
Songs For The Loveless
With unapologetic fervour, The Gentle Scars have trod fearlessly amongst the flotsam and jetsam of the darker side of life. They have embraced the Stygian night and travailed the deep ruts beneath the mainstream. They did not shy away from the seediness and seduction of these indulgent depths, rather they held them up as rampant banners to a world weary by homogenised and anaemic pop culture. They played in the dirt, and they played it the best. Now with the release of their new album, Songs For The Loveless they have created something new. Something that resonates at a higher level. We are confronted by a band that have drawn their cloaks about them and stepped out of the shadows. Like warrior alchemists, they stride out from the mists of their years of experimentation and bring us their gold. This is the album where all the Magick happens.