Coconut Revolution
Fusile was formed in 2006 and today is considered one of the main independent bands from the efervecent underground music scene of Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais. Their energetic mixture of rock, ska, punk and latin rhythms infused with political activism posture make up for a powerful recepy that is very evident specially in their live shows. Their debut EP entitled "Coconut Revolution" (first of a series of 3 volumes) was released by the band on hand made CD copies and digitaly, spreading like wild fire. The title refers to the documentary of the same name about the sucessful struggle of a small indigenous tribe from Bougainville Island that used coconut oil as fuel to fight the armed forces of Papua New Guinea and a british mining company. Now the EP gets its first official release on 7" vinyl, coinciding with the debut of the music video for the track "Blue Blood", all wrapped in its beautfull artwork by Azucrina and limited to only 350 copies worldwide.