Flatfoot 56
Odd Boat
Playing a positive-natured brand of hardcore-tinged Celtic punk, FLATFOOT 56 has been unleashing itself upon America and the rest of the world for over 16 years. Forming in 2000, the Chicago natives achieved nationwide attention with their first two label-backed records, 2006s Knuckles Up and 2007s Jungle Of The Midwest Sea. These releases built on a heavy dose of previously established regional notoriety, helping the band gain steam early on. While each record received its fair share of acclaim, the quintet exploded onto a new level with 2010s Black Thorn. Landing the band on a total of nine Billboard Charts, FLATFOOT 56 proved it could consistently reach an expanding audience while treading in a genre not often associated with widespread success. This success was advanced even further with song placements in the hit TV series "Sons Of Anarchy" and the video game "Watchdogs". After the success of Blackthorn, FLATFOOT 56 hit the studio yet again in 2012 to record Toil. This album would further solidify the band as a consistent force to be reckoned with. FLATFOOT 56s new album Odd Boat was produced by Matt Allison at Atlas studios in Chicago. "We decided that since the last experience at Atlas Studios was so beneficial, we wanted to repeat it," Bawinkel said. "We have been friends with Matt for a few years now and we love the work that he and his studio engineers do." FLATFOOT 56 has decided to partner with Sailors Grave Records to help deliver the next chapter of their legacy to the world.