Ferguson, H-bomb
Wiggin' Out
H-Bomb Ferguson does not play the piano. He fights it. He punches the white keys and jabs the black ones. When he sings, he alternates between a deep growl and a high, hoarse howl. ...Ferguson's style -- wig and all -- is captured on Wiggin' Out... The album's 15 tracks have a warm, LP-era sound with Ferguson's vocals soaring over his four-piece band, the Medicine Men....With the Medicine Men, the piano-man does some serious blues. Meatloaf and Shake Your Apple Tree march to Keenath Malachi Williams' modified second-line New Orleans beat and Eric Neuhausser's sassy tenor sax as their lyrics wallow in the blues stew of sex and romance. Ferguson and Neuhausser team up for I Got A Love and Moon, Shine On Me. On each, Ferguson settles his piano into a steady, honky-tonk mode while Neuhausser's sax buzzes around like a big, brass-plated bee. Then he sings.