Faz Waltz
Foot stomping anthems, catchy riffs and unforgettable songs. Since forming in 2007 in Cantù Italy, Faz Waltz have been cranking them out. With 5 albums, numerous singles and hundreds of shows under their belt, Faz Waltz stay very busy. "Julie" will be their latest single and their first release with SpaghettyTown Records (USA). Faz Waltz "Callin' Loud" (2016) received rave reviews worldwide, they were featured in the UK's The Guardian in an article on Bovver Rock (2016) and received radio airplay on the famous KROQ show "Rodney On The Rock" with DJ legend Rodney Bingenheimer. A very limited amount of Italian import vinyl for "Julie" will be available in February 2018. It will be available on Black, Red and White wax. File Under: Glam/Rock and Roll RIYL: Giuda, Slade, Suede Razors