Falling You
Spellbinding ethereal, dream-pop, shoegaze featuring the best of darkwave's famed female Vocalists. Falling Yous album caresses with beautiful bursts of music brilliance, and mesmerizing hypnotic reverie. These emotionally captivating songs from musician/producer John Michael Zorko come to life via the angelic vocalists from Love Spirals Downwards' Suzanne Perry, Faith & the Muse's Monica Richards, Dru Allen of Mercury's Antennae and This Ascension, Summer Bow- man of Mirabilis, Erica Mulkey of Unwoman, Anji Lum of LoveSpirals and others!!! For their first album on Projekt after 19 years of self-released discs, Falling You creates uplifting and riveting tracks of introspection. Monica Richards discusses "Let it Go," the piece she sings on the album. "When John first sent it to me, something just clicked while I was writing. I wanted to bring a deep sense of nature, of our own wildness within - searching the waters, the mountains, to find my heart. I found the quote from Chief Luther Standing Bear, and it helped shape my feelings. I actually wrote the words while listening to the piece. It was a very stream-of-consciousness take. It was fascinating to work with this. The piece is actually in the style of the soundscape music I write on my own, especially the music I wrote for my last album, Kindred. It had a familiar sense; then Johns mixing took it to a really gorgeous level of layering the words and meanings." Laced with feeling - graceful, intimate, distinctive and elegant - vocals from nine women deliver masterful vocals integrated with Zorkos ethereal melodies. On some tracks, his layered guitars create a soundworld where dreamy vocals melt into the atmosphere; on other tracks, powerful yet graceful vocals take charge and edgy guitars take flight in complement. Suzanne Perry on her contribution to Shine. "Creatively, the ingenues that live in John and I connect. Getting a song from him is always surprising as he manages to weave an unexpected intergalactic sounding sound. Sometimes I dont know what to do with these sounds to be honest, but Ive grown fond of them and have come to know them as Zorkoesque. What did I think of when creating this song? As it has always been for me, its not been about thinking or connecting the sounds to the world as it is in these fleeting moments. But I recall thinking about the night sky. The lyrics for Until the Stars Align were written mostly by Cris Miller." Falling You Shine will transport you to serene worlds of blissful, introspective sonic abstractions.