Fallen Angels
Even Priest Knows
Fallen Angels spent the entire year of 2017 in the writing and composing their new release and at the end of that year, they retreated to the recording studio to complete their first full album. Within the walls of Hypnoise Recording Studio and assisted by the talented Filippo Galvanelli, they succeeded in perfecting their songs and ideas. Even Priest Knows represents the bands desire to revive the spirit and atmosphere of the 80s. Its an album of 10 tracks that passes from more direct songs to real reflections on modern society, touching topics such as loneliness, war, alienation, viciousness, even themes with a simple appearance but surrounded by multiple meanings, to tracks with peaks of amusing sinfulness and esoteric-ism, all surrounded by riffs of pure rock n roll and sharp melodies. On Even Priest Knows, the sound reaches into different shades of the 80s period (pop, rock, metal, blues .), but never leaves its core genre. This is a record that does not want to bore or outstay its welcome but wants to bring with it a strong appeal to the magnificent 80s, presented by the eccentric personalities of the Fallen Angels.