Factice Factory
The White Days
Factice Factory is a French and Swiss Cold Wave band composed of Fabrice Lefebvre (RAJNA), Thotime Lefebvre (Thermafrost) and songwritter Franois Ducarn which was created in 2013. Factice Factory is a free and openminded structure which does not seek to be catalogued into any particular musical niche but sees itself as an experimental sound laboratory. The bands work and evolution relies on the various musical influences of each of its members. Fabrice Lefebvre is well known for his musical curiosity and confirmed involvement for the band RAJNA for more than 17 years. Thotime loves to experiment and to mix various sound structures be it Ambient, Noisy-Rock, Drones or Post-Rock. He made himself known through his personnal pro- ject Thermafrost. Franois is a longtime follower of the so-called Post-Punk scene with a true passion for photography and rock history. Factice Factorys first album is to be considered as a sound and visual concept. Certain songs should be considered as short stories on their own like Hour Glass with its trip hop alike melody or the hypnotic Somnolence which sounds more minimal and even martial some times. For this kind of songs the band had a preference for the usage of talk over to have the auditor focus on the lyrics. Songs like Glow or Collide have a slight touch of pop while they typically refer to the musical structures of the 80s and still sound quite cold. Some german influence is to be heard in tracks like Kaugummi, Wortschatz or Wie Raben which are clearly made for dancing and have more smashing beats and melodies that could be compared to german acts like DAF or the as legendary Swiss cult act GRAUZONE. Factice Factory have also worked on a very personal cover interpretation of THE CUREs song Cold, which was recorded in French and really develops a freezing cold athmosphere. The final song of the album is a dreamy Post Rock ballad called Lazward which in the persian culture means something like clear blue sky and which leaves the auditor with a touch of blue and brightness after a long journey through a winter cold landscape.