Whispers, rumbling, clattering, departure: The emotional as well as detail-laden music of one of Berlins most notable noise-rock duos may always convincingly strike you down, but it's about so much more than mere overwhelm. The new album "Widergeburt" condenses the Dÿse principle like never before. This time, the recordings couldn't do without bass tracks. As a solution, Dÿse turned to bassist friends and asked for their contributions to new tracks. The bassist as a guest of honor? Yes. Honey on the wounds of those who are aware of how sparingly bass is otherwise given attention in a band. So on Dÿses "Widergeburt", ten different bassists tie in with the songs. Bassists who otherwise play in outfits such as Beatsteaks, Deichkind, Kraftklub, Vizediktator, Heaven Shall Burn to Rammstein, among others. Oh yes, and "Alles ist meins" features Farin Urlaub on bass - who is commonly known as the guitarist of german punk rock legends "Die Arzte".