Documentary (import)
Alien Contact; Ufo Invaders
Across the world, millions of people have witnessed massive UFOs in our skies. They have not only seen the Alien craft, but have experienced a phenomenon that utterly defies our current understanding of science and physics. The fact is there have been dozens, possibly hundreds of UFO's that have crashed on Planet Earth. In the modern age, government and military factions move quickly to take over the crash area; remove all evidence large and small; threaten local authorities and eyewitnesses to never speak a word under the name of national security; then release a plausible cover story like a well-oiled machine. They recover technology so advanced that even though it has transformed our world, much of it is still beyond their grasp. They also recover corpses and on several occasions live Alien beings, often referred to as extraterrestrial biological entities or EBE's. Secretive military and black operations teams know WHY the UFOs are here. We the people however are constantly redirected by endless forms of information technology that serves as the supreme distraction. Why, because there is a war out there in outer space, a war that has been raging for centuries.