Direct Hit!/pears
Human Movement
Each band blazes through 5 original tracks and a cover of one of the other bands fan favorites! PEARS reimagines DIRECT HITs classic "The World Is Ending (Sorta)" from Brainless God, which feels right at home as it could easily appear on either of their preceding albums. For any other band, it could be challenging cramming all that angst onto one side of a record. But PEARS make it sound easy, creating a 6-song side thats as ravenously inventive as anything that has come before it. Listen to "Arduous Angel" and youll see what we mean! DIRECT HITs 6-song side brings fans what they have come to love about the band - nervy pop punk, mixed with fist-smashing hardcore songs that make hardcore bands salivate. DIRECT HIT reinvents PEARS fan favorite "Youre Boring" with some half-time grooves and deep, gravel-coated screams, making it the perfect balance between pummeling aggression and bubbly power pop. Human Movement is both a fun, genre-bending experiment between friends & touring partners, and a well-aimed musical brick lobbed at those in power!