Devils, The
Let The World Burn Down (blue)
"After releasing our third album in 2021, during the lockdown, we thought we would never play again. But all that anguish and disillusionment gave us the energy to go back to writing new songs, thanks to our desire to discover new musical horizons and many inspirational blues and soul listenings in recent years. Let The World Burn Down is dedicated to all the Brothers and Sisters who have had enough of Humanity." - The Devils This quote from the Naples-based power duo introduces us to their fourth studio album. Let The World Burn Down marks their renewed collaboration with California musician Alain Johannes. The tracklist includes covers of Big City Lights by Cleo Randle (1966) and Teddy Boy Boogie by Crazy Cavan n The Rhythm Rockers (1975), here adapted into Teddy Girl Boogie.