Der Himmel Ueber Berlin
Memories Never Fade
This is the FIRST EVER release on Swiss Dark Nights, from December 2012! Der Himmel Ueber Berlin is a post-punk, dark wave / new wave band from Triest, Italy. This is their Debut album, and the band has released 3 more albums since on Swiss Dark Nights and Unknown Pleasures Records (Spain) since. Although drawing from the dirgier side of the sepia-toned Post Punk, Der Himmel ueber Berlin creates a startlingly refreshing sound. The loud rhythmical spine is a worthy heir to the precursors' but they blend it with surrounding guitar melodies which are the real ace up its sleeve. This mixture becomes distinctive not only through its intense noir-feel-inducing, but also by the deftly way it's performed and polished. The band's debut album "Memories Never Fade" (intentions are declared) is a good evidence of that. (Billyphobia)