Black White Mono
German engineering has always been appreciated worldwide. It is innovative,technically sophisticated down to the smallest detail and makes life more beautiful. Attributes that also fully apply to the band De-Phazz founded in 1997 in Heidelberg. Created by the diligent sound collector and sample architect Pit Baumgartner, the "Godfathers of Lounge" are the most reliable and pleasant German export commodity since the VW Beetle, and the most musically charming invention since the Fraunhofer Institute in Erlangen invented MP3. De-Phazz songs creep into the auditory canals, stimulate brain activity and electrify dancers to shake their legs, are known in Vladivostok as well as in Anchorage, in Ibiza as well as in Kathmandu. By courtesy of smart bartenders, compilations like "Caf del Mar" or movie soundtracks, songs like "The Mambo Craze", "Something Special" or "Cut the Jazz" (played on Spotify 3 million times) went viral when this term was still associated merely with influenza. Baumgartner & Co. have sold over half a million recordings - black-market copies not included - that possibly makes De-Phazz the most burned band in Eastern Europe