Darkest Era
DARKEST ERA has developed a fresh Celtic Metal sound by fusing the twin guitar driven old school heavy metal styles of Thin Lizzy and Iron Maiden with the darker side of Irish folklore and mythology. The band's journey began when teenage school friends Ade Mulgrew and Sarah Wieghell began writing music together in early 2005. From the outset the duo's writing took on a strong Celtic vibe. Vocalist Krum joined the fold and over the following year a collection of songs inspired by historical and mythological tales from ancient Ireland began to take shape. The group recorded a demo under the name 'Nemesis' while still at school in mid 2006. A collection of raw, epic and twin guitar driven songs, it began to bring the young band to the attention of the European metal underground. The group's fledgling sound continued to evolve quickly and in 2007 'Darkest Era' was born. The new name was felt to be more in keeping with the darker and more epic sound that the band's music had began to take on. Between 2007 and 2010 the band released two EPs which again drew a huge reaction throughout the underground worldwide. Festival appearances in Germany, Greece, the UK and Italy followed and in August 2010 the band announced it would release its debut full length album worldwide via Metal Blade Records. The Last Caress Of Light was released in early 2011 to a strong reaction from both fans and press in Europe and North America. It was included in a number of that year's best album lists and was seen to stand out for its epic power and emotional honesty. UK and European tours followed with bands including Alestorm, Arkona and Gloryhammer during 2012 and 2013, helping to further establish the band and its fresh Celtic Metal sound throughout Europe. The band's much awaited second album 'Severance' will receive a worldwide release.