Dark Poem
The Fire Lives Inside
Raya Schaduwjaagster and Sophie Drakenvleugels of DARK POEM are the godmothers of faerie-lectro. Their sound can be soft and bittersweet or loud and industrial. Their music is a key to open the door to your inner magic world. Four years after their debut Tales From The Shades, they team up with Wool-E Disc to release another wayward and wonderful album called The Fire Lives Inside. Its a tribute to the earth and her seasons, an exploration of the wheel of the year theme with a song for each of the eight seasonal festivals and, in addition to that, three bonus tracks. For this album they collaborated with other magicians and musicians such as Traumasutra (Hybryds), George Mensink (Kristus Kut) and Mark Burghgraeve (Somnambulist, ex-Klinik). Dark Poem still feels at home in the obscure world of myths, rituals, dreams and hidden desires, but this time they took it to the next level. Electronics, samples, tribal instruments, inspired lyrics, witchy voices and a whiff of pixie dust.