Concrete Caveman
Concrete Caveman is a ferocious force of a Deathpunk unit, with an uninhibited aggression that pushes the limits of genre. With origins in South Jersey, Concrete Caveman made Philadelphia their home base, a decision with no regrets as they represent the underground Philly scene to the core. The band acknowledges their influences while asserting they're not a "rip-off band" or trying to imitate any other artist but to make something new and different while drawing inspiration and combining each style. "Grindcore length without the Grindcore label" is one way the band puts it, challenging each other's playing regarding speed and technique, pulling in blast beats, double bass, and twisting to a new tone. Feral is grind at its most gleeful, channeling pit-friendly punk and hardcore as much as grindcore and death metal. FFO: Benediction, Brutal Truth, Nailbomb.