After their 2018 album "Fatalis", the South German death metal veterans, who have been around since 1999, are releasing a new heavyweight in record stores in 2024! The now 4th longplayer "Angstridden" once again impresses with a rough and brute death metal framework, whereby the band increasingly emphasizes its roots in the more extreme styles. Between furious blastbeat songs there are also quite groove-oriented elements before the new work culminates in the final track and undoubted highlight of the album "No Compulsion To Live", which leads into a true growl choir of 10 different growlers/screamers. Recorded and produced in the Sick Of Sound Studio under the direction of Michael Kraxenberger, the Bavarians really let it rip on "Angstridden" and undoubtedly deliver the highlight of their musical work to date with these ten tracks!