Coleman, Jim
Now Wave- Glowing; Music From Beth B Exhibition
NOW WAVE - Glowing: Beth B exhibition - Original Soundtrack by Jim Coleman These collected tracks represent the sonic component of the "NOW WAVE - Glowing" exhibition by Beth B in collaboration with Jim Coleman. This exhibition runs from August 15th - August 25th, 2024, at Silent Green in Berlin, and includes several live performances. The CD of these tracks will be included in the exhibition catalog. Coleman collaborated with a stellar group of musicians and artists: Annie Bandez (Little Annie), Robert O. Leaver (This Wilderness, Birdthrower), Phil Puleo (Swans, Cop Shoot Cop), Jared Louche, Kirsten McCord, Paul Wallfisch, Vincent Dubuis, Nick Flynn, Evelyn Frantti, No Anger, Louise Hoffmeister and Bliss Blood.