Episodes In Oceanography, Vol. 2
While still maintaining the aquatic attitude of the first volume, Episodes in Oceanography, Vol. 2 provides a more bold and daring tone. Differing from the more ambient openers to electronic artist Chypho's works, "The HMS Challenger Expedition" kicks off this album with a grand start. Not too dissimilar is this track to the opening of Entomongaku, with its motor-like motif driving the listener forward. The album closes with the immersive and atmospheric track, "Through the Hydrophone". This eight and a half minute piece gives little in terms of melodic content, but encapsulates a true sense of the cold and quiet depths with the soundscape of life in the depths. The sense of adventure and exploration in this album couples nicely with the firsts more gentle and observational nature. While being fantastic, dramatized and honest, all whilst having Chypho's signature blend of synths and sound effects, this second installment proves to be a sister album to the first, though they are not exactly twins.