Choking On Illusions
Based in Saarbrn, South-West Germany, Choking on Illusions tries to create its own conception of modern hardcore -apart from the mass, autonomous, passionate and dynamic. While maintaining a strong love and passion for all kinds of alternative music, Choking on Illusions has been able to establish its name amongst a superior and growing pool of the hardcore scene. Positive reactions on their debut album "Guide me Home" (2012) and the subsequently published free download EP "Revive" encouraged the quintet led by singer Mario Strasser to write new songs. The result of this creative process is "Rest/less" , the latest album of the band from the southwest of Germany. ,Rest/less" is a breath of fresh air within the lungs of an aged hardcore scene in 2015 delivering a furious mix of aggression, honest lyrics, beautiful melodies and timeless riffage. Recorded an mixed by Arkadi Zaslavski in the Mystery Studio (Dioramic), "Rest/less" will be released via Bastardized Recordings. A must have for fans of bands like Life In Your Way and Comeback Kid.