Gottwerk V2
Much demanded, highly requested, long overdue: Re-issues of the two long deleted and highly demanded first CENTHRON albums "Lichtsucher" [Starfish Rercords 2003] and "Gottwerk" [Final Dusk 2006]. Both albums have been carefully remastered and both come with a number of Bonus Tracks! In 2018 its about time to go back in time. Since there has always been a huge demand for old songs and albums, Centhron & Scanner finally gave in to many fans requests for a re- release of these two album, that were both released by tiny German labels and that are un- available for over 10 years. Each album comes with three bonus tracks, that originate from material recorded back then, but that are being made available for the very first time on CD! Both albums have been remastered by Jan L. (Noisuf-X / X-Fusion) and received a new optical upgrade by Claudi C. The echoes of the fallen warriors from the past beat into the battles of the present! Raise your fist!